Monday, October 5, 2009

You oughta know or do you want to? Part One

The time has come for justice, and yet the defenders of the familiar one of the past will not give up their swords. To them, L. Welch is a hero in an anti establishment world. Somehow, being removed from a position at age 59 is some form of achievement. As I understand, a man named Mr. Chase also suffered the same dilemma and I am wondering if the school itself has a witch hunt quality. I am attempting to explain to the students of John Marshall why I chose to and comment on the story.

Larry was an integral part of our church and helped establish a professional equity waiver theatre company within the church and by the church. Most of the members if not all were the theatre co but we still had a few guest actors/actresses including Gwen Van Dam and Richard Karn. At that time, Faith Ford was a member of our church but not in the company. Joseph Runningfox also was a part of my play but bailed out right before opening night.

I wanted to direct my own play which was not billeted until the final play of the season. Larry said I could assistant direct "A Waitress Nightmare." He was the director. I also ran the magazine "On Cue." I put in 4-5 nights a week for 9 months not to mention I had a ft job at the American Red Cross. Larry and I were in close contact every night I also got burnt out by the time my play was mounted but I kept going. With the closeness and proximity and his overpowering personality, I pretty much fell in love with him. He controlled a great aspect of my life because I allowed it, yes, but also becuz he demanded a lot from me. The first play was a restaurant play and they used real food and I had to watch ten to fifteen major pots and pans every night and didn't finish till eleven. The attachment to him grew, not necessarily a healthy one. It probably peaked around December. Strangely enough, he didn't respond directly till March. I did not make any overt passes at him, the connection just grew stronger on its own. I bought him a giant Shakespeare book around Christmas. By January, he could have told I was hopelessly in love with him. I even wrote a monologue to indicate as such. Out of the blue one day in March, he asked me to come over. I felt like the strongest experience I shared with him in terms of emotion has already passesd I thought it was some kind of test. It was actually out of character for him to show hardly any emotion and a few women in the church he did date, it never got too far. Well, I did go to his apartment on Gower, and we did not have sex but

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